Section 1. Corporate Operation Structure
The corporation shall conduct business by creating:
- Divisions to facilitate & support competitive teams within their respective scope of practice.
- Training & Development opportunities through private lessons, workshops, & training clinics.
- Public events open to the community to encourage exercise & physical activity amongst adolescents & youth.
- Parent & child education classes within each division of the organization, discussing dangers associated with substance use disorders, along with prevention & intervention strategies to combat substance use disorders.
- Partnerships with other 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organizations to promote prevention strategies to combat substance use disorders in adolescent & youth athletes.
The corporation is authorized to, through the President or Treasurer, hire & pay coaches, advisors, instructors, or any other personnel so hired, reasonable payments for their services.
Section 2. Participation Reporting
The corporation will collect information on each selected participant to provide demographic statistics to comply with all Federal & State funding programs. Information to be collected may include participant age, sex, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and any other protected status under Title VII. This information will be used for reporting purposes & not used in determining selection for participation within the organization.
Section 3. Fees, Scholarship Awards & Payment Assistance
To provide the services in Article X, Section 1, the corporation shall charge & collect fees from individuals participating in the organization’s functions to cover the costs of each enumerated business unit. Each business unit will have a predefined budget, set by the President and/or Treasurer prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. The budget will determine the amount of fees/costs to be incurred by parents/guardian of each selected participant & will pay for necessary costs including uniforms, equipment, instructor pay, coaching pay & any other expense deemed necessary by the President and/or the Treasurer.
To ensure that the selected adolescent & youth player is able to participate in their respective activity, the corporation will provide:
- Total Sum Payments
- Payment Plans (Installments) – made available to any participant making application for participation requesting installment payments made to, at the discretion of the President, cover participation costs.
- Payment Assistance – arrangements made with the approval of the President & any one of the other board members/officers, to allow a guardian to meet financial requirements for participation costs through deferred payment schedules, discounted rates, or any other arrangement so designated & agreed to by involved parties.
- Scholarships – made available to any participant making application for participation, but unable to meet the financial requirements cover participation costs for the selected player. Subject to approval by the President & any one of the other members of the board of directors/officers.
Section 4. Fundraising
- The Corporation may conduct fundraising efforts by soliciting donations from public & private organizations and/or individuals in accordance to all municipal, State & Federal laws & governed by all 501 (c) (3) non-profit statutes contained within the Internal Revenue Code. The Corporation may also apply for & receive State & Federal funds to assist in meeting the financial requirements of its objectives stated in Section 2 of this Article.
Section 4. Expense Payments
- The President and Treasurer are authorized to approve & distribute payment for any expenses deemed necessary to support the objectives in Section 2 of this article. This can include rent for facilities, stationary, communications, transportation, lodging, advertising & promotions, and all other necessary operating expenses of the organization. Either President or Treasurer will be authorized to sign any payments/disbursements to be made by check or by cash tender.